Charity Eligibility
- Organizations must be a local nonprofit recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization for more than two years.
- The organization must be located in OR serve the T/E community.
- Nonprofits that serve as a physical resource to the community (e.g., park, gardens, or trails) must be located at least in part in T/E.
- If a local organization is a subordinate or chapter under an umbrella 501(c)3 designation, it must guarantee that 100% of the GIVE T/E donation will go to the designated purpose.
- Organizations, projects, and programs must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other legally protected category.
- Once a charity is funded, it is not eligible for selection for three years.
- Charities may be selected and present every two years.
- Voting will take place at the conclusion of the presentations and simple majority wins.
- Ties will be decided by a second vote. If a tie persists, the membership will randomly select one of the tied organizations by draw.
Expectations of Presenting Charities
- The organization must be willing to send a representative to our meeting with a 5-minute presentation outlining how the donation would be spent if they should be the awarded recipient.
- The organization must provide a tax receipt to all members.
- Organizations must agree not to create, sell, or distribute a list with our members' contact information and agree not to solicit our members directly for further contributions.
- A representative from the charity must return to give an informal presentation highlighting the use and impact made by the GIVE T/E donation within one calendar year.